

Set against the backdrop of historical political intricacies and intricate ethical quandaries entrenched in a bygone era, the play's narrative unfolds...

Kalantak Lalphita

In 1777, Viceroy Lord Warren Hastings instructs Babu Baloram Pathak to deliver a thousand billy goats to Colonel Kut and his battalion...

Amra Keu Basay Nei

The play draws its essence from Humayun Ahamed’s eponymous novel. The title itself, “Amra Keu Basay Nei”, starkly embodies the prevailing reality– a world devoid of love...

Ekla Lage Bhari

In the realm of fiction, a tale unfolds amid the throes of the Corona pandemic. A single day emerges as the canvas upon which the aspirations of a student...


“Jatugriha” is an audio play penned by Bratya Basu, inspired by the “Jatugriha Upa-parva” from the ancient Indian epic, the Mahabharata. The story revolves around...